We're glad to make an increasing number of Harderwyk Resources available on YouTube. This platform is easily available and makes it possible to view on Smart TVs or pass on to a friend or find from a device as you travel. Our goal is to make Harderwyk easier to connect to and share wherever you find yourself.
For example: While I was just traveling on vacation, Mary Lynn and I were able to tap the "Celebration-Harderwyk You Tube Channel" in the Sunday Worshp email that we received and in three taps were able to "cast" the service through the Smart TV in our hotel room.
The Overview
We have set up four seperate "channels" that can be easily searched for or subscribed to:
1) Harderwyk Ministries - This is a general collection of Worship Service livestreams from all three campuses as well as "all-Harderwyk" videos, like our recent "Summer Serve Week."
Each campus - Celebration, Watershed & Fusion - have their own dedicated channel with only their Worship Service livestreams and any other campus specific videos.
2) Celebration-Harderwyk
3) Watershed-Harderwyk
4) Fusion-Harderwyk
You can search for any of these four on your YouTube page or on a general search service like Google or Bing. Type in the channel you want - please note the format of "Campus Name, Hyphen with no spaces, Harderwyk" - and it should direct you right to the channel you want. Look for the "Subscribe" button, and your YouTube page will set up a folder and automatically receive every new addition to the channel.
Here are direct links to each channel.
CLICK HERE for Harderwyk Ministries
CLICK HERE for Celebration-Harderwyk
CLICK HERE for Watershed-Harderwyk
CLICK HERE for Fusion-Harderwyk
We will continue to have links on Harderwyk.com to our Sunday livestreams and an archive of previous worship services, but we are glad to add this additional accessibility by way of YouTube.