Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Vision Sermon Series – Beginning Sunday, September 19, 2021

 A New Statement of Vision and Mission

The staff and Council have been at work for several months to prayerfully and thoughtfully put into words our sense of God’s Vision and Mission for Harderwyk for the next several years.  We now want to have the Campus Pastors “preach” the Scriptures that have fed that statement.  Soon, as part of the process, we will have a number of “Round Table” open to all the people of Harderwyk for input, discussion and consideration together.

 We have organized the “preaching” part of this process around six key thoughts organized in 2 triads.  They are:

  • Everyone
  • Joining
  • The Journey


  • Found In Christ
  • Formed By Christ
  • Following Christ

These key thoughts grow out of a number of Scripture passages and Heidelberg Confession statements that we are gathering into a single document as we go along.

Each Sunday we will read and I will preach from our focus text: Ephesians 2:1-10


Here Is Your Opportunity: Join Me For the Next Five Weeks

Take a step forward during this time and consider adding a practice that will enrich your life as we work through this All-Harderwyk season together.  Some suggestions:

  • Each day, read one chapter of Ephesians: Monday – Chapter 1, Tuesday – Chapter 2, Wednesday – Chapter 3, and so on
  • Consider learning and practicing the spiritual practice of “Lectio Devina.”  CLICK HERE for a simple introduction to the spiritual practice of a more personal way of experience the Word through contemplation and reflection.  
  • Consider committing to call a friend for 5 minutes each day to each share with the other one phrase that stood out from your daily chapter.  Maybe try that just one week.  Or a different day each of the five weeks.  Do what works best for you and that friend.
  • Consider memorizing the preaching text – Ephesians 2:1-10 - over the course of the 5-week series.  We have a special bookmark for this series to help.