Thursday, September 10, 2020

Preaching Daniel at Harderwyk: Resources

 This Sunday – September 13 – all three worshipping communities of Harderwyk Church will begin a series of eleven sermons through the Book of Daniel.  As Aaron and I prepare together, joined with a number of guest preachers as well, we have been excited and challenged by the timeliness of this book and the light it shines on the Gospel of God’s Grace for our own life and times.

As we start, this seemed like a good time to share with you three resources we will be preparing this series with.  These three books are a way we have three gifted pastors and scholars join us in our prayer, study and encounter with God in the text of Daniel – all in preparation for our gatherings on Sunday.  We’re glad to share these sources that have been part of our process.

How To Read Daniel by Tremper Longman III

Dr. Longman is Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College specializing in Old Testament.  His 25 books have been translated into 17 languages.  He was one of the main translators of the New Living Translation and is a compelling writer – able to engage scholarly questions in a way that is understandable, thoughtful and applicable to the lives of everyday people.  If you would like a thoughtful, 200 page overview of Daniel, this book is both accessible and meaty.     CLICK HERE for Amazon


Daniel (Reformed Expository Commentary) by Iain M Duguid

Iain Duguid is a professor at Grove City College who has served as missionary in Liberia, a church planter and part of the translation team for the Holman Christian Standard Version of the Bible.  In his seminary classes, Dr. Duguid is eager to help students learn how to preach Christ from ancient Hebrew texts in ways that minister to the hearts of contemporary congregations.  This is a more traditional “passage-by-passage” commentary that enriches careful reading and study of Daniel itself, but is both accessible and worth any effort needed.  Where many cloud Daniel’s message with end-times speculation, Dr Duguid shines a bright light on Christ and His Gospel.  You will never see the Book of Daniel in the same way!     CLICK HERE for Amazon


Daniel and the Twelve Prophets for Everyone by John Goldingay

Professor of Old Testament at Fuller Seminary, John Goldingay is Old Testament editor of the “For Everyone” commentary series, of which NT Wright is New Testament editor.  This book – and the series – is intended to serve well for daily devotions, group or personal study and conversation with questions for reflection and 14 sections focused on Daniel.     CLICK HERE for Amazon


Through the course of this sermon series, I hope to post regularly with references, reflections and background material for our series in Daniel.  We will touch archaeology, end times and more.  This lets Aaron and I stay focused the text for the week in our sermons, while giving opportunity on the blog to provide more depth or background for issues that are secondary bot of importance as well.

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