Saturday, September 26, 2020

In His Asking Is His Promise of Grace - New Morning Mercies

My "Gospel Posse" is a group of men that gathers for spiritual conversation every two weeks or so.  We've been reading a daily devotional called New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp.  (CLICK HERE for the Amazon link.  You really do want this book.)  When we gather one of us simply asks, "So what did you underline in the past two weeks?"  The conversation unfolds from there.  If one of us gets distracted, another of us simply asks, "So what did you underline in the past two weeks?  Anyone else?" and we're back on track.

I used bits of the September 27 reading to close this Sunday's sermon, so I've included that below.  And I'll point to these statements on Monday when we gather again.  

Oh, and we have breakfast because it's hard for a posse to ride through the day on an empty stomach, but it's other men sharing the Gospel of God's Grace with me in this way that gets me out of bed in the dark of a Monday morning.  I can make eggs myself.

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