Monday, December 2, 2024

The Great Isaiah Scroll: A Visual Introduction

I don't often point people to information on YouTube because when you let anyone say anything about everything you end up with a lot of .  .  .  .  YouTube.

But while preparing an Advent sermon series focused on Isaiah 61, I wanted to spend about 5-10 minutes on the Great Isaiah Scroll unearthed from Qumran.  It is an amazing story with tremendous impact on our understanding and confidence in the texts of the Bible.  Along the way I found two very worthwhile YouTube videos that I am happy to pass along.

Book Minute: The Great Isaiah Scroll

Under lock and key for over 40 years, the Great Isaiah Scroll was stored underground in Jerusalem until being displayed in 2008 for just a few months. 

In 1947, seven scrolls were found in caves at Qumran, the “original” Dead Sea Scrolls. They’re considered one of the greatest “finds” of the modern era, and the 2,000-year-old Great Isaiah Scroll is the most famous. It contains over 25 percent of all the biblical text among the scrolls. Nearly every part of the 66 chapters of Isaiah are intact. Its fragile condition requires it be kept in a temperature-controlled underground fault. 

Produced by the Museum of the Bible, this one minute video is a great introduction to the discovery of the Great Isaiah Scroll.  CLICK HERE or on image.

Is This the Most Complete Version of the Isaiah Scroll in Existence? The Shrine of the Book Museum

This 16-minute video is a tour of the Shrine of the Book Museum in Jerusalem with interview and explanation by Dr Randall Price.  More detail of course, but very understandable and can serve as a first encounter with the fields of archaelogy and biblical studies.  CLICK HERE or on image.

My Previous Blog Post On This: The Isaiah Scroll of Qumran: The Message Is Reliable

CLICK HERE for that post.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Picking a Daily Devotional for 2025

This is the time of year to start thinking about Spiritual Formation resources for the coming New Year.  Something that can help you take some time every day to dive into the Bible and connect to Jesus in prayer helps cultivate a deep, intentional life with Jesus.  This goal is at the center of our focus on the material by John Mark Comer here at Harderwyk.  CLICK HERE for the book or on the previous weblink to learn more about that.

I'll have to admit, my reflexes move away from the typical daily devotional format: one page per day with a Bible verse and some commentary.  I am more inclined to look for a straight Bible-reading plan that connects me directly to the Bible itself.  I can read and then meditate using the SOAPS format (CLICK HERE), or the classic Lectio Devina (CLICK HERE) or a simple study Bible with notes.  

But for many people the daily devotional is a regular habit.  There are also a good number of new, very well done resources in this format that I've used and benefitted from.  Let me give you a quick rundown of great ones that I have used and recommend.

God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs
– Tim & Kathy Keller - CLICK HERE for Amazon link

  • I first used this devotional by Tim & Kathy Keller in my own practice in 2019.  It was so transformative that I did in 2020 as well.  And guess what I used again in 2020?  Yes friends, it was that good.  The Kellers helped me see the Proverbs in light of the Gospel of God Grace that pursues wisdom for living through relationship with God.  Before, Proverbs had been more like a collection of moralistic aphorisms that I read like laws to obey.  If you only ever have one daily devotional, this is the one.

New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional
 – Paul David Tripp CLICK HERE for Amazon link.

  • I've appreciated Paul David Tripp as a conference speaker for years.  Solid Reformed theology, pastoral counseling depth and great communicator.  After you are done with the Kellers, or if you only read one book by Tripp, make this the one.

Everyday Gospel: A Daily Devotional Connecting Scripture to All of Life
– Paul David Tripp  CLICK HERE for Amazon link or HERE for and compare prices

  • This new devotional by Paul David Tripp - see above - is a daily Bible reading schedule that gets you through the entire Bible in the year.  With that are daily reflections by Tripp that seem brimming with Gospel insight.  I'm using this and regularly meeting with a group of men throughout 2025 to talk, pray and "what did you underline" together.  I'll update next December.

Mockingbird Devotional: Good New for Today (and Every Day)
  CLICK HERE for Amazon link.

  • MockingBird is a website/podcast/magazine/ministry of Gospel-centered, mostly-Anglican, artsy-millenials from Charlottesville associate with David Zahl.  CLICK HERE for their website and give them a look.  

This devotional was great for me: gospel-centered, lots of movie and music illustrations, younger perspective and very well written.  Broaden your gospel vocabulary and give the devotional or website a try.

One Story that Leads to Jesus by the Bible Project

This is primarily a Bible-reading program - entire Bible in 365 days - that I am using on my ipad through the YouVersion Bible app.  Basically systematic Bible reading - see above for how I dig into the text - interspersed with teaching videos by the Bible Project that give great visual overviews to Bible books, keywords, practices and history.  For a change-up, I listen to the psalm for each day audible by a tap in the app.  Nice experience.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Gathering The Facts Before I Decide: The Tragic Death of Amber Thurman In Pursuit of an Abortion

The death on August 19, 2022 of Amber Thurman is a tragedy that any of us would want to have prevented.

But make no mistake: If we don't gather the facts and identify the actual causes of her death, we will find deaths like hers more common, not less.

So, what were the causes of this young woman's death in the ER of Piedmont Henry hospital in suburban Atlanta, GA?

Here Are Some Facts To Consider

In the summer of 2022, Amber Nicole Thurman was a 28-year old single-mother with one son, living in suburban Atlana, GA who discovered that she was pregnant with twins.

Because Georgia restricts abortions after six weeks, she was quickly unable to get one locally.  Now nine weeks pregnant, she made an appointment at a clinic some 4 hours away in North Carolina.  Unfortunatley, she was late arriving and missed her appointment by 15 minutes.

That clinic gave her the medication mifepristone, which she took there.  She was then given the second drug in the chemical abortion regimen, misoprosto, and told to take it on her own—no doctor required.  She did that at home in Atlanta.

Within days, Thurman was in pain and bleeding heavily.  Apparently, there was still "fetal tissue with no heartbeat" in her body and she needed medical care: a routine dilation and curettage procedure that is explicity allowed by GA law.  (See Resources Below)

Amber Thurman went to nearby Piedmont Henry Hospital, but waited 20 hours before doctors operated.  Though it is not clear from the records available why the doctors waited, Amber Thurman died there.

There is no denying the fact that Georgia has a tight restriction on abortion procedures - 6 weeks.  But there is also no denying the fact that the medical care Amber Thurman needed when she arrived at Piedmont Henry was explicitly allowed by Georgia law. (Again, a link to that law is in Resources below.  See for yourself.) One cause that contributed to her death was medical malpractice.  The hospital is currently being sued for that.

The cause that sent Amber Thurman to the hospital in the first place though, was the chemical abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprosto.  Let me bullet list some facts gathered about this medication:

  • In 2016, the FDA eliminated safeguards on abortion medication in three significant ways:
    • by reducing the number of required office visits for women taking abortion drugs from three to one
    • by no longer requiring that a doctor prescribe the drugs
    • by eliminating the requirement that prescribers report non-lethal adverse events from the drugs
    • In 2021, the FDA removed the requirement for women seeking abortion drugs to have any in-person appointments.  From: What the FDA Hasn’t Told You About Mifepristone
  • According to the FDA’s own label, roughly one in 25 women who use abortion drugs end up in the emergency room.  From: Abortion Drugs, Not Georgia’s Pro-Life Laws, Killed AmberThurman
  • Pills are available by mail in all states, even in states that ban clinic-based abortion care. This is possible because some states have “shield laws” that protect clinicians when they provide telehealth care to someone in another state.  From ""  I'm not making this link available.
  • Abortions at home (with mifepristone and misoprosto) were banned in the Netherlands (one of the most pro-abortion countries in the world) because even the abortion clinics themselves said it was too medically risky.  From: Abortion Advocates Are Lying about the Tragic Deaths in Georgia

There is room to have the discussion about the wisdom and consequences of restricting access to surgical abortions, whether at 6 weeks like GA and 3 other states, or the 24 states that restrict after 20-22 weeks or the 9 states with no time restrictions at all.  

But self-administered, mail-order chemical abortions intersected by medical malpractice???  That sounds dangerous to me.  I'm sure that is not how I want to extend support to women with crisis pregnancies any more than I think using shame or rejection moves someone in a healthy direction. 

How about you?  What would it look for a gospel-centered community of Christ-followers to walk over time with someone experiencing a crisis pregnancy?  That is the question I find myself wrestling with.

And, am I missing something in my considerations?  If so, I'd be willing to find a time to listen, face-to-face.  Just call the Harderwyk office and let's find a way to set up a conversation.

Finally, if you or someone you know is facing a crisis or unexpected pregnancy, know that I will talk, pray and support you regardless of your choice.  


CLICK HERE to read the actual Georgia law.  The entire document is 10 pages, but you can read lines 88 through 108 - they are marked in the left-hand margin - and see for yourself how the bill defines abortion, as well as medical procedures that are allowed.

CLICK HERE for the article Abortion Advocates Are Lying about the Tragic Deaths in Georgia.  The Title Sums it all up.

CLICK HERE for the article Abortion Drugs, Not Georgia’s Pro-Life Laws, Killed Amber Thurman produced by the Alliance Defending Freedom -  an educational, advocacy and legal group.

CLICK HERE for What the FDA Hasn’t Told You About Mifepristone by the Alliance Defending Freedom

CLICK HERE for the website of Positive Options in Holland, MI.  These friends have resources that lead to life and support people in crisis pregnancy situations.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dietrich Bonhoeffer - How The Moravian "WatchWords" Equipped Him To Stand Against Nazism

Since my college years, I've wondered, "How was it that Dietrich Bonhoeffer came to take his stand against Nazism?  What was it that set him apart from so many of his fellow clergy in that regard?  Where did the discernment and the gumption come from?"

While not claiming any expertise, I'm happy to share what has emerged in answer to those questions as I have learned more about him.  Simply put: I think it was the Moravians!

Moravian Influences Growing Up

As it turns out, Dietrich - with his twin Sabine, the youngest of nine children - grew up with two devout Christian nannies that been trained in the Moravian community of Herrnhut.  The children's mother Paula had spent time at Herrnhut as well.  It is hard to imagine Dietrich NOT observing and learning the Moravian spiritual discipline of Bible Meditation using the Losungen - "WatchWords."  

With a history of over 200 years by Dietrich's time, the "Daily Texts" are gathered and assigned each year by Moravian leadership and then published to their churches, communities and missions worldwide as a resource for consciously placing their lives in the context of God’s Word each day.

CLICK HERE to learn more from the Moravian website about the history of the Moravian Losungen and HERE for direction and access to them for your own practice.

Taken Into Seminary Curriculum at Finkenwalde

Years later, in 1935, when Bonhoeffer gathered students at Finkenwalde for the underground seminary of the Confessing Church movement, the Losungen became central to their training - more central it seems than the usual disciplines of theological reflection and biblical exegesis.  Training there was structured more like a monastery - communal life and spiritual disciplines - than an academic seminary of the time.  

One student wrote about their morning routine.  After breakfast .  .  .

came half an hour of meditation. Then everybody went to his room and thought about the Scripture until he knew what it meant for him today, on that day. During this time there had to be absolute quiet; the telephone couldn’t ring, nobody could walk around. We were supposed to concentrate completely on whatever it was that God had to say to us. (Metaxas. Bonhoeffer, 268)

CLICK HERE to learn more about life and training at Finkenwalde.  

A Call To Return

The Finkenwalde seminary was disbanded by the Gestapo in 1937 and Bonhoeffer eventually found his way to New York City and a faculty position.  But his practice of Bible meditation with the Losungen continued.

The Losungen for the day on June 26, 1939 was from 2 Timothy 4:21 "Do your best to come before winter."  Exegetically, this verse is Paul asking Timothy to travel and join him where he was imprisoned, making the trip before the hard weather of winter delayed travel.  

But as Bonhoeffer meditated and prayed on the text in his regular practice, he began to hear more clearly a call from Jesus to return to Germany as a pastor of the Gospel for the coming storm.  Two weeks after his arrival in the city, Bonhoeffer would turn around and take passage on what we now know to be the last vessel to leave New York and arrive in Germany until after World War II.  He would say to his friend in New York, Reinhold Niebuhr, “I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people.” 

Looking back on this decisive moment and the Losungen, Bonhoeffer would write: "It is not a misuse of Scripture if I let that be said to me."

A Final Reflection

Michael Hayes offers wise perspective on Bonhoeffer and his practice of meditation on the Losungen.

Such meditation on Scripture, listening for the voice of the living Spirit, is dangerous. It allows a great deal of room for us to claim to have found anything we like in a Bible verse. And many, many people over the centuries have abused Scripture in this way. But Dietrich Bonhoeffer was very familiar with the broad sweep and intent of the Bible and was a meticulous student of the Book. He had therefore a spiritual and biblical foundation which protected him from merely mistaking his own inner voice for that of the Spirit.

CLICK HERE for the entire post.  It is well worth your time.

My Sheep Listen To My Voice - John 10:27

I think it is this thread - Bible meditation learned from Moravian influences and the Losungen, brought by him to seminary curriculum and directing him at decisive moments - that shapes and directs Bonhoeffer to stand apart from the crowd in his moment.  It is immersion in God's written word and reflection on it with a community of faith, but it is also more than just those things alone: it is learning to listen for and to the Voice of the Good Shepherd.

Nothing is at any time to be added to the Bible, either from new revelations of the Spirit or from traditions of men. Nevertheless we do recognize that the inward illumination of the Spirit of God is necessary for a saving understanding of the things which are revealed in the word. (WCF 1:6)

Thursday, August 8, 2024

So Pastor Bill, What About Jonah 3:10? Does God Really Change His Mind Like It Says??

When God saw what they (the people of Ninevah) did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.   Jonah 3:10 (NIV)

So God "relented?"  What about His sovereignity?  This moment in Jonah's story raises all sorts of questions like this for people, and I will certainly need to make reference to them this Sunday in the sermon.  I'm also happy to make these thoughts from a commentary that I am using available as well.  They are from:

Bryan D. Estelle, Salvation through Judgment and Mercy: The Gospel according to Jonah, ed. Tremper Longman III and J. Alan Groves, The Gospel according to the Old Testament (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2005).

We must not forget before whom we stand. God is infinite in majesty. His ways are not totally comprehensible to creatures. Therefore, Scripture speaks to us in terms of analogical discourse. This is not a new or recent way of talking about the nature of scriptural language. One Reformed apologist, Michael Horton, has said: “When one says that ‘God is good’ and ‘Sally is good,’ the predicate ‘good’ is used neither univocally (i.e., identically) nor equivocally (i.e., with no actual similarity), but analogically. Analogical thinking, then, identifies certain aspects of the unknown in terms of the known and familiar.” (Michael S. Horton, Covenant and Eschatology: The Divine Drama (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2002), 8)

Cornelius Van Til, the apologist at Westminster Seminary who labored alongside J. Gresham Machen, expressed himself in similar terms when he talked about the system of Scripture being an analogical system. (See especially Cornelius Van Til, A Christian Theory of Knowledge (Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1969), ch. 3) None of what has just now been asserted calls into question the veracity or truthfulness of Scripture. Quite the contrary.

These apologists stand in a long tradition of theology that has recognized and grappled with the nature of scriptural revelation. For example, Calvin argued strenuously that God’s truth is accommodated to our capacity as finite creatures. In Calvin’s terms, God talks to us in baby talk. As a mother stoops to talk to a child, so God speaks to us in such terms that we may grasp his truth. These kinds of categories enabled those wrestling with the meaning of difficult passages of Scripture to handle sensitively figures of speech, metaphors, and the question of when a passage should be taken literally and when figuratively.

For example, when the Bible speaks to us about God and his relations with his creatures, it often speaks in language that is anthropomorphic (i.e., it ascribes human characteristics to a being that is not human, i.e., to God). Sometimes Scripture uses anthropopathisms (it ascribes human emotions or passions to God) as well when speaking about God’s relations and actions with human beings. Being aware of these matters helps students of the Bible, professionals and laypersons alike, to interpret the authors of Scripture as they intended their writings to be understood.

An example is the description of God’s grieving at the way mankind had become so morally destitute just before the flood: “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain” (Gen. 6:5–6). The passage says that God “saw,” and yet God does not have eyes like men. The passage also says that he was “grieved,” but this is different from a man’s or woman’s regret or grief. The language is meant to communicate similarity to human grief but also something quite different when applied to the almighty Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the universe.

The distinctions and differences between the Creator and the creature should always be borne in mind, especially when it comes to feelings described. It is not that God does not have emotions or feelings toward his creatures, but he is not, for example, moved to anger as we human beings are; he does not “fly off the handle,” so to speak.

What God does when he speaks to us in his Word is accommodate to our weakness. Along these lines John Calvin has expressed in very helpful terms how we may understand God’s workings and providence in light of those passages that talk of God’s “repentance”:

What, therefore, does the word “repentance” mean? Surely its meaning is like that of all other modes of speaking that describe God for us in human terms. For because our weakness does not attain to his exalted state, the description of him that is given to us must be accommodated to our capacity so that we may understand it. Now the mode of accommodation is for him to represent himself to us not as he is in himself, but as he seems to us. Although he is beyond all disturbance of mind, yet he testifies that he is angry toward sinners. Therefore whenever we hear that God is angered, we ought not to imagine any emotion in him, but rather to consider that this expression has been taken from our own human experience.… So we ought not to understand anything else under the word “repentance” than change of action, because men are wont by changing their action to testify that they are displeased with themselves. Therefore, since every change among men is a correction of what displeases them, but that correction arises out of repentance, then by the word “repentance” is meant the fact that God changes with respect to his actions. Meanwhile neither God’s plan nor his will is reversed, nor his volition altered; but what he had from eternity foreseen, approved, and decreed he pursues in uninterrupted tenor, however sudden the variation may appear in men’s eyes.  (John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, ed. John T. McNeill, 1.17.13)

An appreciation for the complex nature of how language works in Scripture will, then, aid us in understanding difficult passages such as Jonah 3:10. Perhaps more importantly, such an appreciation of how scriptural language works will also aid us in wrestling with the problems of suffering, affliction, and injustices not only in our own lives but in the lives of others as well. God is not capricious. If we are honest men and women, there will indeed be times when we will struggle greatly under the weight of a so-called frowning providence. Nevertheless, we may always reassure ourselves with confidence that God is on his throne and that his house (i.e., his world) is in order. God is never taken by surprise, nor is he ever mesmerized or baffled by any turn of events.

Ultimately and some day, all injustices will be eternally adjudicated. Even when bad things happen to “good” people, it is not outside the purview of our heavenly Father, “the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love [hesed] and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished” (Ex. 34:6–7).

Thursday, August 1, 2024

So Pastor Bill, What About That Big Fish in Jonah?

I've mentioned from the pulpit in our current Harderwyk Sermon Series on the Prophet Jonah that while the "Great Fish" in Jonah is presented as real and a character, it at best is a minor character in the narrative.  Don't miss the main point: God's Grace for Everyone!  CLICK HERE for YouTube recording of that portion of my sermon.

I'm not spending much time on the Great Fish that swallowed Jonah from the pulpit, but I am very glad to engage the question for those who are interested.  Always feel free to make personal contact after a service or through the office and we can find a time to talk more.  But on this question, I'll give you some material from a commentary that I found helpful and succinctly engages the question:

So Pastor Bill, What About That Big Fish in Jonah?

My answer: There is good reason to take the story just as presented, without missing the main point of the book.  The LORD rescued Jonah from the storm by sending a Great Fish to swallow the prophet for three days of prayer.  Here is some thoughts on WHY that seems reasonable to me.

From Minor Prophets: Hosea thru Jonah by James Montgomery Boice (Baker Book House, 2006) pp 282-284 - CLICK HERE for Amazon Link 

It should be interesting to many skeptics that the Library Research Service of the Encyclopedia Britannica regularly distributes information supportive of the biblical narrative. This service is available to anyone who purchases a set of the Encyclopedia. Anyone researching a subject and not finding that the Encyclopedia has covered it adequately, may write and ask for information on his subject, and a mimeographed report (generally pre-prepared) will be sent to him.

If a person requests information on the possibility of a whale having swallowed Jonah, a four-page report will be mailed, the bulk of which consists of information taken from an article on the “Sign of the Prophet Jonah and Its Modern Confirmations,” which was published in the Princeton Theological Review in 1927. .  .  The article itself concludes: “The story of Jonah occurs in Hebrew literature and tradition as an historical record. It can hardly be disputed that the tests applied to it are in fairness bound to be the most careful, accurate, and dispassionate that science and history can supply. Physiological tests entirely disprove the alleged impossibility of the story. It is shown by study of the structure of the sperm whale and its habits that it is perfectly possible for man to be swallowed alive and after an interval vomited up again, also for him to remain alive for two or three days within the whale. Historical tests show that a similar event has happened in later times in at least one case, and that it is quite possible for an authentic record to have survived over even a much longer period than 700 years.”

The article leading up to this conclusion is in two parts. The first part distinguishes, as all honest writing on the subject has done, between those whales or other great fish that could conceivably swallow a man and those that could not. A generation ago one heard that a whale could not swallow Jonah simply because the throat of the whale is too small. “A whale has difficulty swallowing an orange,” was the viewpoint. This objection arose from a failure to distinguish between the Greenland whale, which does have a very small throat and which was the whale best known to seamen of an earlier generation, and the sperm whale or cachalot, which has an enormous mouth, throat, and stomach. An average specimen of the sperm whale might have a mouth 20 feet long, 15 feet high, and 9 feet wide; that is, the mouth would be larger than most rooms in an average-sized house.

It is known that the sperm whale feeds largely on squid, which are often much larger than a man. Whalers have sometimes found whole squid of this size in a dead whale’s stomach.

As to whether a man could survive in a whale’s stomach, the Britannica article maintains that he certainly could, though in circumstances of very great discomfort. There would be air to breathe, of a sort. It is needed to keep the animal afloat. But there would be great heat, about 104–108°F. Unpleasant contact with the animal’s gastric juices might easily affect the skin, but the juices would not digest living matter; otherwise they would digest the walls of the creature’s own stomach.

But has there ever been a case of a man actually having been swallowed by a whale and then regurgitated or saved by some means? This is the matter dealt with in the second half of the journal article, and apparently there are such cases. One case concerns a voyage of the whaling ship Star of the East, which in February 1891, spotted a large sperm whale in the vicinity of the Falkland Islands. Two boats were launched, and in a short while one of the harpooners was able to spear the whale. Those in the second boat attempted to attach a second harpoon, but the boat capsized in the process and one man was drowned. A second sailor, James Bartley, disappeared and could not be found. In time the whale was killed and drawn to the side of the ship where it was made fast and the blubber removed. The next day the stomach was hoisted on deck. When it was opened, the missing sailor was found inside. He was unconscious but alive. Eventually he was revived by sea water and after a time resumed his duties on board the whaling vessel.

It is also possible, as the article shows, that the fish in Jonah’s case may not even have been a whale. The Hebrew text merely says dag, which may be any kind of great fish. It may have been a species of shark, a Rhineodon or “Sea Dog,” for instance; if this is so, then there are other accounts of men being swallowed that are also relevant. The Sea Dog, while a member of the shark family, does not have the terrible teeth generally associated with sharks and grows to a size comparable to that of many whales. In his widely read book, Kon-Tiki, Thor Heyerdahl describes such a shark that followed his raft for a time in the mid-Pacific.

I also have access to the Princeton Theological Review with the article that Boice refers to.  It is too long for me to post due to copyright issues, but make contact with me and I can get a copy for you.  I'd be happy to deliver it over coffee sometime!

A New Piano for the Harderwyk Sanctuary - The Backstory & Need

The Harderwyk Sanctuary where the Celebration Community gathers each week to worship has a marvelous 6 ft Steinway grand piano.  We have sung to it's accompaniment, heard it played to point to God's glory and heard it accompaniy others who sing or play instruments to give the LORD glory!

Like everything on the planet, even that marvelous piano wears out over time and needs to be rebuilt and restored.  Think "renewal."  Aware of that, we had set aside money to be able to give the sanctuary piano a "once-every-forty-years-or-so" rebuild - a rebuild that would take about one-and-a-half YEARS to complete.

While making arrangements for that rebuild last Spring, the idea came up that maybe - just maybe - if we offered the sanctuary piano for sale or trade-in, included the money already set aside for that piano's restoration and found a way to add some more money, we could then combine all of that and purchase an even better piano than the one we currently have.

With this in mind, I shared this opportunity with a few people and asked them to prayerfully consider helping with this project.  In a word, response was so good that we started looking around our region to see what was available and have now identified a piano that is in the price range of our accumulated finances.  When I made the announcement and gave this background information last Sunday, July 28, we were within approximately $10,000 of the full purchase price.  We hope to raise that final portion with gifts or committments from giving "above-and-beyond" our usual tithes so there is no impact on our ongoing ministry budget.

And About The Actual Piano

So here is what we are looking at: A 9 ft, 4 in Mason & Hamlin CC1 Concert Grand Piano.  Originally built in 1905, it has been completely rebuilt and restored by Reeder Piano in Lansing, MI.  CLICK the image above to give it a YouTube look and listen.

We have looked from Chicago to Detroit, researched this piano, worked with Reeder Piano and sent Justin and Jane to get "hands-on" the instrument.  We are excited about the way it can serve to enhance our worship and ministry as well as expand opportunities through community concerts and recitals.

The Opportunty For You

Would you consider making a donation - large or small - to finish the final step in purchasing this piano?  If so, you mark a check or cash envelope with "Sanctuary Piano" and place it in an offering box in the Sanctuary Narthax.  Or give online - CLICK HERE - and note: Sanctuary Piano.  If you need additional time to make arrangements to have access to money you could donate - from stock, CD rollover or the like - contact Harderwyk Administrator Norlyn Compaan who can help with the details.

Our hope is to proceed, have the new piano delivered and ready for ministry by the end of August so we are ready for a fresh start to the school year and fall ministry startup with all gifts and commitments received by the end of the year.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Jonah and the Dead Sea Scrolls

When I was a college student from 1973-77, there was some talk about the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Not much was actually known though because the Scrolls were closely guarded by a small group of scholars who greatly limited access.  Fortunately, much has changed since then.  The Scrolls and fragments have been catalogued, photographed and are widely available for study.  They are a fascinating backround source for our upcoming sermon series on Jonah.  Let me summarize some take-aways:

Taken Together, The Dead Sea Scrolls Are ANCIENT!

Before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and collected beginning in 1948, our oldest Hebrew language copies of the Old Testament - called the Masaerotic Text - were from the 900's.  That is 9 centuries AFTER the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus.  The Scrolls as a collection appear to be from about 0 to 150 BC, basically 9 to 10 centuries OLDER than any other Hebrew language texts we have ever had.  That means that in the course of my lifetime alone, our text basis of the Old Testament has become 900 years earlier!

It's Confirmed: There Was Very Little "Change" in the Texts Over Those Nine Centuries

Don't picture the Dead Sea Scrolls being a "xerox copy" of the corresponding texts of the Masaerotic - a "jot-for-jot and tittle-for-tittle" correspondence between the two.  But neither are they centuries of hand-copies being altered by translation and error.  Differences between the two are the topic of research and consideration by scholars, but overall, they are minor.

For example, consider this evaluation of one of the Dead Sea Scrolls copies of Isaiah:

Of the 166 words in Isaiah 53, there are only 17 letters in question. Ten of these letters are simply a matter of spelling, which does not affect the sense.(Bill - Like Color or Colour)  Four more letters are minor stylistic changes, such as conjunctions. The three remaining letters comprise the word LIGHT, which is added in verse 11 and which does not affect the meaning greatly. Furthermore, this word is supported by the Septuagint (LXX). Thus, in one chapter of 166 words, there is only one word (three letters) in question after a thousand years of transmission - and this word does not significantly change the meaning of the passage. (Norman Geisler & William Nix, "A General Introduction to the Bible", Moody Press, Page 263).

CLICK HERE to read more on this point from a previous post of mine with that quotation: The Isaiah Scroll of Qumran: The Message Is Reliable

There Are Three Seperate Fragmentary Copies of Jonah

Each scroll is from a different location in the same vicinity.  No one scroll is complete from some 20 centuries of aging and deterioration as seen listed below by their catalouge numbers:

  • Item 4Q76 contains Jonah 1:1-5,7-10,15-16; 2:1,7; 3:2.
  • Item 4Q81 contains Jonah 1:6-8, 10-16.
  • Item 4Q82 contains Jonah 1:1-9; 2:3-10; 3:1-3; 4:5-11.

CLICK HERE for a fascinating photo of one fragment in this collection.  It is helpful to see the small bits that scholars have to work with in texts that are this old.

CLICK HERE for  the text portions that we DO have from Jonah compared with a modern English transation.  You can see the limitations of the fragments but also the few and small differences the two.  What stands out to the reader is how much is identical between the Dead Sea Scrolls and our best reconstruction of the text from all known resources.

CLICK HERE to see a detailed list with linked photos of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Wikipedia

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Review: Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? Examining 10 Claims about Scripture and Sexuality by Rebecca McLaughlin

I have encountered Rebecca McLaughlin, the Cambridge PhD wife and mother now living in Boston, for several years through her books, podcasts and blog posts and now dig into anything of hers I find.  She reminds me of CS Lewis set for our moment in history.

With that, I was quick to order and read her latest book - Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? Examining 10 Claims about Scripture and Sexuality - as soon as it was published on May 1, 2024.  CLICK HERE for Amazon link.

I think this is her best yet, and here is why:

  • It is a well-written book - I spent about 90 minutes reading and underlining the 100 or so pages of this book.  One shortcoming: I underlined nearly every sentence.  EVERY one is packed with insight.
  • She presents a succinct and fair statement of each of ten common arguments affirming Same-Sex Relationships - Whether you come to the conversation pro or con - or even confused and overwhelmed - I found her statements of these "affirming" positions clarifying. People who hold the "affirming" position on LGBTQ+ issues typically hold their position because it makes sense to them on some level even if they cannot clearly articulate the reasons.  It is only fair to understand the convictions of another person even before evaluating those convictions to agree or disagree.  You cannot honestly disagree with a position without first honestly understanding it.  McLaughlin helps both sides by clarifying each of ten positions for all to consider.
  • She writes with compelling illustrations - You will meet real-life people making real-life decisions.  McLaughlin is very clear about her own life-long experience of same-sex attraction for example, as well as the "whys" and "hows" of her own convictions and practices.  The difference with this book is that the life-stories are NOT the arguments themselves put forth FOR a conviction but instead they are instead illustrations OF those various convictions.  In my experience, much of the affirming LGBTQ+ conversation is based on life-stories that appeal to my emotions and make every consideration personal.  With McLaughlin, the conversation is built on reasonging, reasearch and logic and then helpfully illustrated and humanized by the life-stories of real people that she knows.
  • She provides helpful footnotes and resources if you want to go deeper on any given position - The footnotes are not obstursive to the reading, but they make readily available pathways to go deeper into any position or argument she presents.  Her single book is a good doorway to more on any given position that you might want to pursue.

For me personally, I have interacted with gay co-workers for 50 years, pastored people with same-sex attraction that they responded to in differing ways and observed or participated in debate/conversation with other Christians on these issues since entering seminary.  I read God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships when it first came out.  All that to say I am not a newcomer to the questions, convictions, authors and conclusions that you will encounter in Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships.

Full disclosure: I came to the book with the same conviction that McLaughlin presents here.  I do not believe that the Bible affirms same-sex relationships.  But she does a better job than me when it comes to making the case.  And she does more than "split-the difference" or offer a balanced options to two polar convictions.  She points to a distinct and different answer to a current divisive debate. I would call it "gospel-centered and am endebted to her work in that regard.

Who would I picture benefitting from reading this book?

  • Folks who don't typically read, but are willing to invest some time to gain better understanding of LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Folks who are not familiar with the foundational reasons of various "affirming" positions whether they currently consider themselves "affirming" or not.
  • Folks who want a clear, reasonable and compassionate engagement of LGBTQ+ issues in light of the Bible and historic Christian belief.
  • Folks who want to engage these issues, as well as the persons in their life that are affected by them, with something other than the fluff or vitriol or fear-mongering that seems so common in our moment.

Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? by Rebecca McLaughlin is one of a limited few publications that I will give to a friend, family-member or congregation-member for conversations around these issues.  In this slim volume, the author gives us far more light than smoke or fire.  I highly recommend you purchase, read and consider it.  And then feel free to get in touch with me throught the Harderwyk office, and lets find a time for me to listen to your thoughts, questions and experiences.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Journalism, Advocacy and Communicating the Gospel: Observations on NPR and Uri Berliner

I'll admit it publicly!  Several decades ago I found myself doing a lot more driving for work and it was not unusual for me to listen to both the Rush Limbaugh radio program and NPR's All Things Considered in the same afternoon.  Different persepectives for sure, but between them I felt like I could gather a few laughs and insights as I motored through my afternoon.

Around the turn of the century, my work situation had changed.  I also found myself listening less and less to Rush Limbaugh.  Too angry and vindictive.  Interestingly, the same thing began to play out with NPR over the past decade.  Now when I drive, it's classic rock, podcasts or whistling to myself.

Against that backdrop, I recently read "I've Been at NPR for 25 Years.  Here's How We Lost America's Trust by Uri Berliner."  Wow!  It is a bombshell that clarified my own experience.  You owe it to yourself to read it and ponder for yourself.  CLICK HERE

Berliner's post has started quite a public conversation and engulfed their new CEO - the one Berliner mentions in his post.  A few weeks after this post, Berliner resigned from NPR in a real "You can't quit me I'm fired!" sort of moment.

From his essay:

Back in 2011, although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it still bore a resemblance to America at large.  Twenty-six percent of listeners described hemselves as conservative, 23 percent as middle of the road, and 37 percent as liberal.

By 2023, the picture was completely different: only 11 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21 percent as middle of the road, and 67 percent of listeners said they were very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals.

An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now, predictably, we don’t have an audience that reflects America.

Berliner then goes on for 3 pages to document three specific instances where NPR purposefully downplayed - even ignored - stories that turned out to be important.  Even when later identified as important stories or false reporting on their part, NPR moved on without learning, retracting or publicly acknowledging the miss.

He reviews his increasing resistance to the emerging culture of advocacy that he saw replacing the commitment to journalism.  Hmmmmmmm.  Advocacy or journalism?  Ponder that difference for a moment.

There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed. It’s frictionless—one story after another .  .  .  It’s almost like an assembly line.

Berliner's personal observations were multiplied and confirmed as he talked with people about his work at NPR:

Now the trajectory of the conversation is different. After the initial “I love NPR,"there’s a pause and a person will acknowledge, “I don’t listen as much as I used to.” Or, with some chagrin:“What’s happening there? Why is NPR telling me what to think?”

Finally he writes (on April 9, 2024):

A few weeks ago, NPR welcomed a new CEO, Katherine Maher, who’s been a leader in tech. She doesn’thave a news background, which could be an asset given where things stand. I’ll be rooting for her. It’s a tough job. Her first rule could be simple enough: don’t tell people how to think.

We now know that Brunner resigned from NPR six days after he shared his thoughts in this essay.  His resignation was accepted by the new CEO and, by my observation, she has led in NPR in damage control and avoidance.  There seems no change in direction or even the ability to breathe deep and invest time in organizational self-reflection.  

Two things have captured my attention through this sorry episode:

1) "Journalism replaced by advocacy."  When winning is more important than the truth, all sorts of things begin to grow dysfunctional.  This well describes the tsunami of information flooding our smartphones from all sides, don't you think?  Beware!

2) "Don't tell people how to think."  That approach makes me one advocacy voice lost in a massive chorus of advocacy singers.  Most are more creative, better funded and angrier than me.

So I have been reconsidering some things, not about message or content so much as delivery.  I'm willing to answer people's questions about the "what" and "why" of how I think on almost anything.  And with issues related to the Gospel, I will even hope to invite people to join me in that journey.

But there are multiple reasons to remember that I am not in a position tell people how they must think or what conclusions they must affirm in order to be respected by me or to get the entire story - which can include my own foibles and confusion.

CLICK HERE for my post of May 2021 entitled Both Content & Delivery Matter When The Church Answers Questions

Thursday, April 25, 2024

We Can See Where This Path Leads: Lessons From Other Denominations As the CRC Considers It's Own Human Sexuality Report

As I observe the ongoing interactions regarding the Christian Reformed Church's 2022 Human Sexuality Report,  I'm surprised how often I hear people in publications and social media, saying "the church is going to have to give on LGBTQ+ issues like gay marriage or we will loose all our young people."

No doubt, there is an observable generational difference regarding LGBTQ+ issues in the United States that gives this line of thought a certain common-sense sort of logic.  But looking at those who have taken this approach, I don't see evidence that this actually leads to the desired outcome.

Consider this succinct observation from Six Truth's About the Church's Future by Bob Thune.  

In 2005, the United Church of Christ (UCC) became the first mainline Protestant denomination to officially embrace gay marriage. They expected this progressive stance to result in a growth boom. In 2006, with great optimism, the UCC announced the ambition to plant more than 1,600 new congregations by 2021.

Over that 15-year period, however, the denomination’s membership declined by more than 40 percent; 60 percent of its congregations now have fewer than 50 people; and in 2021 it sold its national headquarters to pay bills.

This story shouldn’t surprise; it’s the story of mainline Protestantism over the past 60 years. In 1960, the seven mainline denominations boasted 30 million members. Now they have 13 million.  CLICK HERE for the full article

Likewise, in his post "UCC Shows Mainline Protestantism's Future: Unrelenting Decline," author John Lompris digs even further into the details and concludes "Whatever future the American church has, it’ll lie in the hands of those who embrace historic Christian orthodoxy."  CLICK HERE for full post.

The numbers and stories of this sort of decline are consistent and numerous in the United States.  They are playing out again even now with our United Methodist neighbors.  What leads people to think that the CRCNA would experience a different outcome?

It is my sense that the church of Jesus would do well to rethink what it means to do gospel-centered ministry both with and for our LGBTQ+ members and neighbors.  Faithfulness to Jesus and the Gospel of God's Grace has certainly altered my ministry in this regard.  Following Jesus more faithfully - especially when He calls me to repentance - is what discipleship is about.  Change over time is expected.  It should be change that better shows the world a reflection of Jesus.  (2 Corinthians 3:18)

But changing ministry and convictions as a strategy to avoid loosing loved members is not the path of faithfulness.  And seems be a proven path leading to decline.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Beware of "My Truth" Demands

When someone makes a demand to express “My Truth,” I have learned to BEWARE!  It has been my experience that when a person has a "My Truth" starting point to a conversation, several unhelpful things will follow:

  • They will fight to protect “Their Truth.”  Both me and my perspective present a personal threat to them and “Their Truth” and indeed the very identity they have built on “Their Truth.”
  • They will be unable to imagine any other “Truth” that is not theirs alone, even if I agree with them.
  • They will be unable to even imagine a “Truth” that is big enough to speak both to their perspective and to mine.
And worst of all, those problems are "baked in" to their thinking.  The problems necessarily follow from the premise that "I have the truth" in my sole possesion.

A different starting point that leads to different conversations and better outcomes is realizing that everyone has their experience and/or perspective on "The Truth."

It is more helpful to say "I had this experience and it was true."  Great! is my response.  How does your experience connect with my own experience, even if different, and help us both get a clearer glimplse of "The Truth."

It is more helpful to say "This is my perspective on this matter."  Great! is my response.  Perhaps your persepective can enlarge or enlighten my perspective.  We are both better off to discover that.

It can be the case that your perspective might disagree with my perspective.  Fair enough.  But we can still be people who are pursuing "The Truth."  At this point, our perspectives simply disagree.  Neither of us need be a threat to the other person.

The "My Truth" orientation is exclusive and necessarily leads to conflict.  After all, if "My Truth" and is different that your "My Truth," then your "My Truth" is wrong and such a falsehood must be set right.  That is to say, surrendered to my "My Truth."

Better - and I would say closer to the reality of our world - to say that "The Truth" exists independently of me.  I certainly may have an experience of that "Truth" or a perspective on it.  But I do not own Truth.

When "The Truth" exists apart from either me or you, then it is easy for me to realize that I may have only a parital experience or perspective on "The Truth."  The next step is to realize that perhaps you have an experience or persepctive that would better inform my own.  Picture me moving from a 20% grasp of "The Truth" to a 22% of "The Truth" because of what I learn from your experience or perspective.

As you can see, such a starting point draws us to community and reconciliation rather than conflict.

In closing - and with a big grin as I type - if what I am saying is off base and and you need to let me hear "Your Truth" on this, give me a call through the church office and I will be happy to listen.  I am certain I can benefit from your perspective.

Added on June 24, 2024

CLICK HERE for ‘Live My Truth’: The Gospel in an Age of Privatized Faith by Trevin Wax

When we talk about Jesus or share the gospel, most people today will assume we’re talking about a private, personalized faith, as if we’re asking them to adopt the same hobby. I’m just speaking “my” truth or sharing about the religious identity that works “for me.”

Thursday, March 21, 2024

CS Lewis On The Dilema Of A "Christian" Political Party

I meet regularly with a friend to talk through a chapter from CS Lewis' book "God in the Dock."  Hmmmm.  Lewis was a citizen of England, and an Oxford University Professor of Medieval literature who died November 22, 1963, the same day that President John Kennedy was assinated here in the United States.  When the reading was "Meditation on the Third Commandment," (The one about not "Taking the LORD's Name in Vain")  I was sure the chapter would be a snoozer.  Boy, was I surprised!

First paragraph:

We learn of the growing desire for a Christian ‘party’, a Christian ‘front’, or a Christian ‘platform’ in politics. Nothing is so earnestly to be wished as a real assault by Christianity on the politics of the world: nothing, at first sight, so fitted to deliver this assault as a Christian Party.  .  .  .

The Christian Party must either confine itself to stating what ends are desirable and what means are lawful, or else it must go further and select from among the lawful means those which it deems possible and efficacious and give to these its practical support. If it chooses the first alternative, it will not be a political party. Nearly all parties agree in professing ends which we admit to be desirable—security, a living wage, and the best adjustment between the claims of order and freedom. What distinguishes one party from another is the championship of means. We do not dispute whether the citizens are to be made happy, but whether an egalitarian or a hierarchical State, whether capitalism or socialism, whether despotism or democracy is most likely to make them so.

Lewis nexts illustrates with three hypothetical believers who all prefer different means - think policies - in pursuit of similar ends - public safety and equal opportunity for all citizens for example.  Division will follow, not based on the ends that all three would agree on, but based instead on the different means to achieving those ends.  One group might win the day based on their policies, but in doing that, they become only a part of the believing church, and not the whole. 

Lewis again:

It will be not simply a part of Christendom, but a part claiming to be the whole. By the mere act of calling itself the Christian Party it implicitly accuses all Christians who do not join it of apostasy and betrayal. It will be exposed, in an aggravated degree, to that temptation which the Devil spares none of us at any time—the temptation of claiming for our favourite opinions that kind and degree of certainty and authority which really belongs only to our Faith.

All this comes from pretending that God has spoken when He has not spoken. He will not settle the two brothers’ inheritance: ‘Who made Me a judge or a divider over you?’ (Luke 12:14) By the natural light He has shown us what means are lawful: to find out which one is efficacious He has given us brains. The rest He has left to us.

Lewis closes with sage advice that avoids the problem altogether:

There is a third way (to influence the country with Christian Faith) — by becoming a majority. He who converts his neighbour has performed the most practical Christian-political act of all.

Whoa?!?  He was writing this in 1941, right in the middle of the Nazi "Blitz Bombing" of London in World War II.  It's all of 4 pages, and worth digging in to.  You can purchase  the book from Amazon by CLICKING HERE.  It will include more than 45 MORE fascinating chapters.  Or listen to it read on YouTube by CLICKING HERE.  You will love the British accident for the 8 minutes it takes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What Do You Mean By That Term: "Christian Nationalism"

During a recent conversation, I had a local elected official say to me "I am a Christian, and I love my country.  That makes me a Christian Naitonalist, right?"  For them, it was a rhetorical question with a self-evident answer of "Certainly!"  I was silent.

In truth, it all depends on how that term - Christian Nationalism - is defined.  That is the challenge in any conversation when someone uses it.  When one term represents different things as different people use it, nothing but confusion and false assumptions can follow.  Since I couldn't ask for some more detail on their definition, I wasn't going to add to the confusion.

Frankly, I think the better term for what my representive may have wanted to express would have been "patriotic Christian."  Grammar Geeks will tell you that it matters which is the adjective and which is the object.

Personally, I am happy to stand with respect when the VFW marches by with the American flag at the Tulip Time parade.  I have performed a Memorial Service at Arlington National Cemetery and been stirred by the sights and history of that setting.  I'm glad to stand for the National Anthem at events, and do my best to sing it.  The people of Celebration-Harderwyk hear me pray for those who govern our nation.  Gold star families have been part of the congregations that I have served.

I am thankful to be a citizen of the United States.  It has afforded me unimaginable blessings and I recognize that many people have sacrificed in a variety of ways to make those possible.  I am disheartened when my country has not lived up to it's dream and want to help pursue that dream for everyone.  I understand why many people yearn to join me in the freedoms, responsibilities and abundance that citizenship affords.  I want to pass it all on to my children, neighbors and any others that want to join me.

But I also know that many Nigerians love their homeland, like I do mine.  The same could be said for many Chinese, Germans, Salvadoreans and on and on and on.  Love of homeland is a good thing.  I would even say a "God thing."

But loving our homeland - or any homeland - more than God Himself is a different matter.  Such disordered love is a form of idolatry.  It blinds us to the shortcomings, sin and brokenness of our own homeland and the people and culture that make it feel like home to us.  Every homeland falls short, to paraphrase Paul in Romans 3.  Every homeland, or better, all the people in it need the Savior: Jesus.

At the end, people from every homeland will gather around the throne of the Lamb of God and give Him praise.  The words of Revelation are "from every tribe and tongue and nation."  But it is Jesus the Lamb that they will worship, not their homeland.

It appears to me that the term "Christian Natonalism" is a slippery one right now.  People use it as a slur for others they disagree with.  Or a point of separation to differentiate themselves from "those people."  Or for virtue signaling.  Or without thinking.  When I hear someone use the term, my first question is always, "What do you mean by that?" long before I say "me too" or "no way."  How do you define the term?  That makes all the difference.

That said, there is an emerging movement of self-identified "Christian Nationalists" I must resist and reject.  Their definition of the term lays out an idolatrous order of love for God and Country.  I'm writing to warn you of this emerging force.

The Case for Christian Nationalism by Stephen Wolfe is the most serious effort I know to make the best case for both "Christian" as well as "Nationalism."  It is nearly 500 pages and scholarly in tone, so I have not read it.  But this review on is enough to confirm my concerns.  CLICK HERE for that full review.  It is long and detailed.

Much more readable and helpful on this topic is Trevin Wax's reflections on the recent Rob Reiner "documentary" called "God & Country."  CLICK HERE for that post.  It would be good to read the review and watch the video together.

I've avoided my own definition of Christian Nationalism in this post. I am hoping to point out the existence of a line between patriotism and idolatry.  Getting specific about where to draw the actual line right now may need some conversation.  "What do you mean by that?"

Consider learning more and listening carefully in order to more clearly identify that line in your own life.  If you only take one thing away, may it be the encouragement to first ask, "What do you mean by that?" so you can pursue understanding.

As always, feel free to ask questions or pursue further conversations with me.  Stop me after a service and we can set up a time for conversation.  Call the Harderwyk office and they can help us connect.  Let's be aware and learning.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

You Need To Know Brad Wilcox and His New Book: "Get Married"

I have followed the work of Dr. Brad Wilcox for many years.  Professor of Sociology and Director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, he is a prolific researcher and writer in the area of marriage and family who can write clearly - that is to say: real people can understand his findings, observations and applications. Don't let the PhD put you off.  Instead, check out any of several short posts on the Institute for Family Studies listed below.

But First: His New Book!

Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization
was released this week.  CLICK HERE for Amazon link.  I've not yet read the book, but it is on my stack, and I'll add to this post when I complete it.  

Here are three of his research findings that I have taken from his blog: Six Reasons to Get and Stay Married - CLICK HERE  Let them whet your interest.

  • Nothing predicts happiness for Americans better than (a good) marriage.  Not money, education, work, or even sex.
  • Boys raised apart from an intact family are more likely to go to jail than graduate from college.  By contrast, young men raised in an intact family are about 4 times more likely to graduate from college than land in jail or prison.  (This insight has PROFOUND insight and motivation for Youth Ministry and discipling/support of single-parent families. - Bill)
  • Churchgoing.  Religious couples are happier, less divorce prone, and, surprisingly, even have more sex than secular couples.

Some Reviews of the Book

Christianity Today is a go-to source for me when I want thoughtful, honest and faithfully Christian perspectives on news and culture.  This review by Joseph Holmes - who is himself single - was helpful and would be a good first read.  CLICK HERE for "The Data-Backed Case for Marriage." featured a podcast conversation with Wilcox at the book's release entitled "Why Your Community Needs Healthy Marriages."  CLICK HERE for a link to their website, or search for "Gospel Coalition" wherever you get your podcasts.

Recent Brad Wilcox Posts With The Institute of Family Studies

  • 6 Reasons to Get and Stay Married - 2/13/24 - CLICK HERE
  • The Awfulness of Elite Hypocrisy on Marriage - 2/13/24 - CLICK HERE
  • Don't Buy the Soulmate Myth - 2/12/24 - CLICK HERE
  • We Can Make Chicago Safer By Prioritizing Stronger Families - 1/2/24 - CLICK HERE
  • How to Make Smartphones and Apps Safer for Kids - 12/21/23 - CLICK HERE
Each one of these has insight of their own worth pondering.  Consider reading one per day and letting them sink in.